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Trailers and
Bulk Trailer
Bulk Trailer
Standard Bulk Trailer
Dry Van
Refrigerated Van
Refrigerated Van
Pallet Refrigerated Van
Hook Refrigerated Van
Container Chassis
Container Chassis
Container Trailer
Sugarcane Trailer
Sugarcane Trailer
Flatbed Sugarcane Trailer
Lowered Sugarcane Trailer
Logging Trailer
Logging Trailer
Logging Trailer
Low Bed Semi-Trailer
Low Bed Semi-Trailer
Low Bed Semi-Trailer HD
Standard Low Bed Semi-Trailer
Low Bed Semi-Trailer with Detachable Neck
Truck Body
General Cargo Truck Body
General Cargo Truck Body
General Cargo Truck Body
Beverages Distribution
Beverages Distribution
Beverages Distribution
Dry-Cargo Body
Dry-Cargo Body
Dry-Cargo Body
Spare Parts

Spare Parts

and Tyres

Genuine Spare Parts

The genuine Randon spare parts follows the quality control that you trust and already know. They are exclusive and patented parts that guarantees your trailer performance.

Genuine Spare Parts

The genuine Randon spare parts follows the quality control that you trust and already know. They are exclusive and patented parts that guarantees your trailer performance.

Original Spare Parts

The original spare parts manufactured by Randon perpertuates the DNA of your trailer, ensuring the security you need in every moment.

Original Spare Parts

The original spare parts manufactured by Randon perpertuates the DNA of your trailer, ensuring the security you need in every moment.


The StradaR line has approved quality and is recommended by Randon. The StradaR spare parts goal is to offer security and confidence with the best cost benefit of the market.


The StradaR line has approved quality and is recommended by Randon. The StradaR spare parts goal is to offer security and confidence with the best cost benefit of the market.

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Randon Implementos participa da 5ª Super Convenção da Logística AMBEV

Semirreboques sider e carroceria de bebidas são os destaques da empresa no evento

Buscando fortalecer o relacionamento com operadores logísticos de todo o país, a Randon Implementos esteve presente na 5ª Super Convenção da Logística AMBEV, que ocorreu de 17 a 19 de fevereiro, em Atibaia/SP. No evento, participaram mais de mil profissionais operadores do Sistema de Logística Ambev da América do Sul, um dos principais geradores de carga do país.

A Randon apresentou no evento dois dos principais produtos desenvolvidos para o segmento: o semirreboque Sider do tipo Auto Serviço e a Carroceria de Bebidas. Esses produtos garantem excelência no transporte, com agilidade na operação de carga e descarga e com menor custo operacional.

Evento Superlog Ambev 2020
Foto - Luis Fernando Menezes
Estande Randon Implementos Superlog 2020
Foto: Luis Fernando Menezes
Realidade Virtual
Foto: Luis Fernando Menezes

O estande da Randon Implementos proporcionou um espaço para que os profissionais presentes conhecessem as inovações e as ações de aprimoramento dos produtos e processos da empresa. Os visitantes também conheceram por meio de óculos de realidade virtual e ferramentas de realidade aumentada, os demais produtos do portfólio Randon Implementos.

Trailers and
Truck Body
Railway Wagons